Saturday, July 28, 2007

iPhone is 95% awesome

Wow, I love my iPhone. My bf bought me one as an early birthday present what...three weeks ago? It feels like I've had it forever now. No phone has every feature I want, but of all the phones currently out there, the iPhone comes closest and I imagine it will be a while before anything beats it (in fact, the most likely gadget to beat it is a new version of the iPhone.)

I hated switching to AT&T. It's expensive and I don't like the plans they have available. However, I must say that the sexiness of the phone makes up for it. it reminds me of when I first got my Sidekick and people on the train would be straining to get a look at it. I can't use it anywhere without people giving it covetous glances and commenting on it...and I use it all the time, it's so great at looking up google maps - my MDA could look up maps but the screen was so small it was almost impossible to make out the street names. The iPhone has, hands down, the most beautiful screen out there and it even shows the traffic patterns so you know what streets to avoid.

It's great for surfing Yelp (very important!)

And I swear, if your network connection is good, YouTube videos (like the one of prisoners in Cebu Provincial Detention and Rehabilitation Center dancing to "Thriller")

will look much better on an iPhone than on most desktop and laptop monitors. Not sure if it's the quality of the iPhone screen or the different compression used to ready these for your smart phone.

What is up with that Thriller video anyway? I think it's well on the way to becoming the most famous thing out of the Philippines since Versace's murderer or maybe since Imelda Marcos became synonymous with an excess in shoes. But does it cast positive or negative light on the country? I don't really know if popular opinion runs more along the lines of "what a bunch of fruitcakes" or "wow, what a cool prison reform system!"

Anyway, my two current favorite things are 1. my iPhone and 2. that Thriller video
I think my obsession with my iPhone will last longer, though, because you can't accessorize a video.