Saturday, February 9, 2008

Another IMVU comment...

Okee dokee, I've already found another comment on my home page on IMVU that I want to answer. Geez, there are probably gazillions of these questions all the time and I'm missing out because I miss a lot of my messages! Marcus at IMVU gave me the link to view all of my messages once, but that was about two years ago and I'm afraid that my web browser would balk at displaying them all at this point.

So, the question is...

Aren't you a little old to hang out on IMVU? I mean, I could see if you were 20 or something but 40????

Geez, again with the 40 thing. I never realized before that you are actually aging 10 years in a single day when you turn 40. You do know that I am only two years older than Gwen Stefani, right?

Anyway, on to answering the question.

I'm not sure it's accurate to say I "hang out" on IMVU. I develop 3d content for IMVU, I sell credits on IMVU (that's how I make my living, selling credits for IMVU and ThereBucks for There) and I do maintain a homepage on IMVU which I try to keep somewhat fresh and where I do sometimes read the comments. You will rarely find me actually using IMVU to "chat" with people of whatever age (although I have noticed that there are plenty of people of all ages on IMVU, otherwise why would there even be such a thing as an access pass?) Yes, IMVU is something like 80% below the age of 20, but you might be surprised how many people that remaining 20% actually is. IMVU has had something like 22 million sign-ups since the beginning. 20% of that would be something like 4.4 million. I've read the human brain just isn't wired to properly appreciate numbers above 20,000, that's why people are so enticed by playing the lottery...they truly can't comprehend how bad the odds are. Maybe this will put it in perspective: The number of users of IMVU that are over the age of 20 is equal to the entire population of Los Angeles. Yep, just imagine the entire population of Los Angeles had signed up for IMVU and they were all over the age of 20...that's how many people it is.

But really, chatting online is not my thing. I loved it when I was oh...I dunno...30? I probably would have outgrown it long before that, but ten years ago when I was 30 was really when I started using the computer as we know it today, with Windows and the Internet and all that stuff. I was a flight attendant and I had actually managed to meet a guy who lived in my same town, and used chat to keep in touch with him, no matter where in the world I was.

These days, Instead of chatting online I like to; create 3d models, read and listen to audio books, go to the gym (preferably with my bf, and before that with my personal trainer, because I find the gym a bit intimidating), try to find the ultimate bottle of pinot noir or perhaps malbec, search out and try the best restaurants (easy to do in Northern California), take cooking lessons with my bf and try to perfect our recipe for "almost perfect chicago deep dish style pizza", garden (or trying to garden, we're just learning.) Ummm...I'm a bit of a movie buff, don't watch much television, I'm totally obsessed with books and with the warehouse studio loft I want to move into. I try to stay away from craigslist, because I'll be doing something virtuous like trying to help my bf find a desk set for his house and instead I'll find some wonderful, unique furniture stuff for ME that is just way too big and maybe way too expensive but I'm determined to get it anyway.

Honestly, I don't think people 20 yrs old and under should be spending all their time chatting online, either.

I should approve some more buddy requests and go to bed and for all I know the person asking this is the same person who said "stay away from my man", but my point I don't really hang out in chat rooms on IMVU but heck, I own stock in the company and I've done contract work for them...they are part of the reason I moved to California in the first place. You know those zodiac symbols that IMVU gives out when you first create your account? I've noticed a lot of people do have those displayed on their home pages. Well, just so you know, *I* made those, and you might be surprised at what else I've made. In the end I guess I should just not care that people want to make such a big issue about how old I am and what I should or should not be doing at this grand old age. I plan to live to at least 120, and I can only imagine what people will say then.


Unknown said...

People will admire you for who you truly are, no matter what your age or how you look on the outside. And in your case, the whole ensemble is beautiful.