Sunday, July 17, 2011

Garden, Pottery and Biking

I'm reading a book right now about how we're all way too connected digitally to each other ALL THE FREAKING TIME and I need to finish it, review it, read another book and review that one ASAP, so I thought I'd procrastinate and write a blog post.

Since a year and a half has gone by, I have both very little and a frigging lot to say. I'll just summarize a few things for now...

1. We started expanding our garden and then let it fall into almost complete disrepair, although it's funny how it just sort of keeps growing on its own somewhat. The hops have really taken off, the swiss chard went to seed and is popping up all over the place now so it's very easy for SBM to go out and cut some at any time to make a green smoothie. We got an apple tree and we never even properly potted it, we just threw it in a half wine barrel and barely covered the roots with some dirt but it looks totally healthy and thriving. The two grape vines are thriving as well, and the avocado tree although it has never flowered, and the aloe plant which IS flowering. We got 3 exotic hibiscus plants and they all died, and a nopales which is doing well.

Finally we are starting our summer garden. We are about to plant 7 kinds of cucumbers because we are obsessed with making fermented pickles and I have sprouted a lot more things on my apartment balcony, so it will be rather late in the season but we will still be putting things like tomatoes, tomatillos and golden watermelons in the ground. Oh, and peas but they will grow all winter long so it hardly matters how late we plant them. OH...and today I think I finally got a cilantro seed to sprout which is very exciting because it's from THE BEST, TASTIEST CILANTRO EVER.

2. I am taking a ceramics class. Actually, I am taking one all-day class by myself and then I am taking a 2 1/2 hour weekly class with SBM but he doesn't enjoy the class so I don't know if we'll finish it, but I LOVE my other class and am hoping to sign up for the fall version which is TWO FULL days of class every week as soon as they open up registration.

That leads me to...

3. It's been 4 1/2 years since I had clip-in or clipless pedals put on my bike and I was scared to ride it, but with the ceramics class being a very nice ride from my apartment (about 8 relatively scenic and flat miles each way in a nice breezy shoreline climate) I just HAD TO try riding my bike. Finally. So I did and I didn't even fall off but I AM horribly out of shape. Strangely I've riden twice now, 16 miles or so one day and about 30 the other and I wasn't sore after either time. Very hungry, yes. Sore, no. Then I broke a spoke and missed my last ceramics class and I was rather heartbroken about that, but I get my bike with its re-trued wheel back tomorrow and I'll be back in bidness. If I'm organized enough, although I can't make up the all-day ceramics class it is possible for me to make up the 2 1/2 hour one, even though I'll probably have to do it all by myself.

I'm very excited about biking again and also about the ceramics. Since I do 3d computer art, I find it very inspiring and fun to be doing actually physical-world 3d stuff and I have a bunch of ideas about what I want to make and I am trying to find a time when I can go to SBM's offices and use the rubber stamp making machine he basically gave me but which is still at his offices for now at least until we test it out and then maybe after as well - so I can make rubber stamps not for the originally businessy purposes I'm supposed to but to make stamps I can use in my ceramics!

Also, my mom paid my library fines (that's a bit embarrassing maybe...) so I can now use the library again and I checked out a half dozen books on pottery/ceramics and everything about it has me soooooo excited!

Okay...going back to reading that book now...