Sunday, October 7, 2007

Teen sex clubs and Virtual Reality on prime time tv

I haven't been watching much tv for the last year, but sometimes, like on a Saturday night when my bf is off losing all his money in a poker game and I'm a bit bored, I might take a glance at what's on.

So that's what I did tonight, and I saw on that Law and Order: SVU had a new episode, the plot of which went something like this:

Some 20-something woman has an avatar in a virtual world that looks like it's supposed to be Second Life only the avatars aren't as ugly. The thing is, her avatar is 15. Not only is she 15 but she runs a sex club in this virtual world and has guys like, lined up around the virtual block to have sex with this virtual teenager. Then, the real life woman goes missing and they try to figure out which of her virtual world clients is her real life kidnapper and then prove he did it.

Here is a clip on the NBC website, but it is just a clip with this woman in the hospital and not a clip of the virtual world.

I was trying to film a little of the show with my Flip camera, but I guess I don't use that thing very often because what I thought was the "record" light on the screen was really the "ready" light and I missed the best/most ridiculous part of the whole thing, plus I missed the first ten minutes since it was so random I saw this episode at all, but here are a few clips I got.

This is the avatar's "blog" where she is warning other "girls with clubs" about the avatar she thinks is stalking her...

Not the most interesting clip, now we are starting to get into spoilers if you haven't seen the episode. Conveniently, the virtual world appears to be run by one guy from some room in New York. Well, of course, since Law and Order: SVU takes place in NYC! I just like Olivia's "turn on the sun!" line. One of the best, but cheesiest bits in the episode. What? 5 million virtual world users are going to be sooo confused. Hmmm...if 5 million people are all logged on at the same time, how come these SVU people have never heard of this "AY" place before?

Very end of the episode. Very silly. This thing has a lot of funny, quotable lines that would make great inside jokes, imo.

SVU is such a lurid show. Heheh. I don't think anyone in Second Life is allowed to say their avatar is 15 or that they themselves are 15 and then start up a sex club. However, I suppose they could have some sort of sex club or escort service and their avatar could certainly LOOK 15.

Well, I don't have anything more to say because it took me forever to get this video uploaded, it's late and I'm dead tired. I just thought it was cool that I stumbled onto a reference to virtual worlds in a major primetime tv show. Well, I have to be all bright eyed and bushy tailed for winery brunch plus pizza making tomorrow, so g'night.

Oh, the episode is called "Avatar" if you're looking for a rerun of it.


Spydyr said...

Teens have special restrictions in SL and most certainly would NOT be allowed to set up a sex club. That being said... you can alter your avvie to look like a young teen and I suppose some perv somewhere is going to get their jollies from a little virtual boinking. It did used to bother me when adults playing kid avvies (and I refer to avvies who are supposed to look around 6) brought those avvies into adult clubs. And don't get me started on how repulsed I was when they started allowing "pregnancy" in SL and you have people running around with scripted pregnant bellies that "talk" (AVVIE'BABY: "you're feeling tired, you need to rest") Morning sickness in RL isn't good enough for people, they want their SL avvie to have it, too? Maybe I'm stupid for wanting to have FUN in my Second Life and get to do things I can't do in my real life rather than have a family and a job and change diapers...