Thursday, November 8, 2007

World's Worst Blogger?

I have to wonder sometimes if I'm not the world's worst blogger. I'm probably not...there are so many blogs out there that I'm likely to be more like "average" or something, but I've read some books on blogging (or started to read them, since I love to get all excited about a book, obtain that book, start reading it and then set it aside for an unknown period of time that could end up being forever) that say things like: you should blog about only one subject.

Not only do I blog about unrelated topics, There, IMVU (you can't really say those two are unrelated, but you could say that the number of people interested in posts about BOTH places is severely limited), Yelp, Cancerous Cats, Misc (a category I could probably rename "things that could be of interest to my mother, because she can read them aloud over the phone to my grandmother" but that's a little long for a tag) but I am not even that good about tagging my posts in the first place.

So I have to my blog actually of value to anyone besides myself? I do stumble onto blogs sometimes that I find interesting and that give me hope. One I recently took an interest in is about one person's life and foodie experiences in Paso Robles, CA, which also included a bunch of stuff about her struggles with yoga. Now I admit, I am MORE interested in the foodie experiences and winery stuff, especially in Paso Robles, but I do find the yoga stuff interesting as well and even enjoy reading little bits about her life. And why not? It's much more interesting to learn about a person so you can better relate their experiences to your own and better interpret the things they say that brought you to their blog in the first place.

Maybe to learn what makes a good blog, I need to spend more time reading blogs and less time reading books about what someone else thinks makes a good blog. Probably the number one thing is just posting to it regularly. November is a good month to do that, too, because it's NaBloPoMo.

If you actually enjoy reading my blog, or even if you think it sucks, feel free to leave me a comment. I love just knowing someone is out there. I try not to be annoyed when people email me or talk to me in person and indicate they were reading my blog, but I can't help thinking "if you had something to say about it, why didn't know...share with the rest of the class?"


Unknown said...

Is there a standard method of writing a blog? Yours says, among other things, that the blog is about your life in general. When I read it, it’s in fact that: A broad range of things about your life, written in a very unique way; a way that only you can “give it you own touch” and express your character while sharing part of your life with us.
I take pleasure in reading your blog. It’s another part of you that I get to appreciate.

Stretch said...

I agree with Rick, smart guy that he is. Your topic is your life, and that provides the unification.

I read this post to your grandmother tonight. Not sure how much she understood, but she sounds happy just knowing you wrote it. Had to do some translating, of course: blog = newspaper opinion column; blogger = columnist; tag = subject heading in a library catalog.

Give her a call some time. Why should I have all the fun?


Spydyr said...

I blog poorly in a plethora of blogs... I figure I'm just doing a chronicle of what's going on and if people don't like it, they don't have to read it. It's not like you're holding a gun to anyone's head and MAKING them read your blog, right? Relax and enjoy. And I'm with you on the "comments validate that someone is bothering to read"... All fine and dandy to email me about something in my blog, but comments are nice.