Thursday, April 24, 2008

I'm all a-twitter

I've known about for a while but couldn't really think of a good reason to use it until now.

Then, after using twitter to track when Wiis are in stock at various Internet stores I thought "EUREKA! I can use twitter to help people find out when ThereBucks are in stock!"

This isn't something I've been too concerned about for a while, I have had Therebucks in stock since December...haven't sold out once during that time and even carried a tbux balance as high as 12 million. Now that's all changed, the economy has evened out and even though I am buying/selling more Therebucks than ever, the demand is back to its normal state of being greater than the supply.

So, if you're looking for discounted ThereBucks on my site,, and I seem to be sold out all the time, try following me on Twitter...get alerts via cellular text, IM or email about when I am in stock and be the first one there to snag 'em!