Thursday, March 5, 2009

You got me a what?

Sometimes I have the dumbest ideas. Like last year when my bf and I were going to the gym quite regularly and I suggested we get jump ropes and jump rope between sets. My bf actually agreed this would be a good idea, but then we both forgot about it. Until now. Today my bf brought me my very own Valeo speed jump rope. Whoopie! Instead of jumping at the gym, though, he seems to think we should each jump for ten minutes a day at home.

I'm not sure which I'd rather do, knock over furniture and stacks of magazines and such, thwack a length of rubber against my ceiling a bunch of times and terrorize my cats in the privacy of my own home -or- flail about at the gym tripping over a length of noisy rubber with my body bouncing about in the most undignified manner when I'm already dead tired from lifting weights.

I'll have to think about that one. Meanwhile, let me tell you about TODAY's great idea...

Today we worked out triceps and hamstrings, and there is some kind of rule my bf totally made up (or so I think sometimes) where we don't do cardio after we work out legs. This time I was asking him "why" as I often do. "Why did you choose this parking spot?", "Why do we have to do deadlifts?", "Why is the sky blue?" and of course the ever popular, "Why don't we do cardio after we work out legs?"

The answers are as follows...

"Because the spot I wanted was taken when you insisted we go to Jamba Juice."

"Because if you hate them they must be doing something good."

"Because I'm your mother and I say so." (Ooops, sorry, my mom already answered that question for me years ago.)


"Well, we could do cardio if they had stair machines here, because that is a hamstring exercise so it would fit in with what we're doing today. But they don't so I guess we can't do any."

Aha! But actually there ARE two stairmasters hiding at my gym, which I had to point out because I love to be right so much. My reward for being right was...we did ten minutes on the stairmaster. Dang that machine is freaking hard. In ten minutes I burned almost as many calories on that thing as I do on the treadmill in 25, and I was sweating like a sweater (because that's what I do, I sweat. It's a talent I have.)

I have a feeling I am going to be hobbling around tomorrow, which is too bad because I have a lot of errands to do (on foot). On the bright side, I feel very virtuous from all the working out we've been doing this week and I'm THISCLOSE to fitting into the skirt I want to wear to Las Vegas on Saturday.