Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Excuse: Chemo day

Well, yesterday was China's chemo day. Thank goodness my bf has been taking us to the oncologist the last couple times. I had to hire a private car to do that ever since August, and she used to have to go every week. Of course, now it looks like the money I will be saving on hiring a car and driver will go to having some lump in China's left ear biopsied. Ugh. Like, as if I have that money anyway. If that turns out to be cancerous I don't know WHAT happens then. I don't think she can have more radiation treatments. She has lost another quarter pound (a lot for a cat, especially one that weighs only 7 pounds) and they couldn't give her the planned protocol because they couldn't find a good vein. They even shaved a few new spots on her legs. Instead she got next week's protocol and they'll try again with the intravenous one next visit.

So anyway, visiting the oncologist is not only expensive of course, but it takes hours, what with going to East Bay and all. We go out to lunch, which is better than before when I'd just sit in the waiting room the whole time, but it still takes up much of the day. Once I got home, I had to turn right around and go get catfood for Rodney aka the "dustmite allergy puking kitty". I had the brilliant idea of giving him some canned food in the morning since he was out of dry, and it just meant he puked up canned food instead of dry...and if you know anything about cat puke, you know canned food puke is much messier and hard to clean up. I really, desperately need my carpet shampooed now.

After that, I had to do some There related stuff and then...I don't know...the whole day was just kind of over!

Today I maybe have a little more time because I only spent an hour at the gym. However...I have a bunch of crisis to take care of so in the end...well, we'll see...