Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Google will find you!

So, IMVU does this sort of weird creepy evil thing where you can invite anyone you have an email address for to come chat with you on IMVU. The invitation email says "is this person your friend? Please respond or they may think you said No!" WTF? That's so manipulative.

But anyway, the part I find funny is that when you read that email in Gmail, Google will figure out that it is from IMVU and it just you know, KNOWS where IMVU is (of course, they know where everyone is, they're driving around in vans photographing everything!!!) and so they post IMVU's address right on the side of the page.

I just have this idea that maybe IMVU doesn't want their office address posted right beside every email they send out. I knew where they were located before anyway, since I visit the offices sometimes, but this kind of makes me want to send them a GIANT colorful postcard that says "WILL YOU BE MY FRIEND? Yes ____ No ______ Please respond or I will think you said no!" Ha.

Oh which reminds me...I got an email from Google the other day asking if I would be available to come to Mountain View for some sort of focus group thingy IF I met the demographics or qualifications or whatever. I didn't see the email until 40 minutes after it arrived, but of course I filled it out right away...getting to see the Google offices would be pretty exciting! They were looking for people for the next morning so I imagined it was maybe some last minute desperate scramble to find participants so maybe I had a good shot, but I never heard back. So sad. Or is it? I had a brief flash of that movie "The Island" with Scarlet Johansson where all these characters are desperately waiting to win the lottery so they can go to The Island, and what really happens when they "win the lottery" is that they have their body parts harvested. Maybe "don't be evil" is some kind of euphemism for "take people up to the mothership and replace them with bodysnatchers"?

Isn't Google supposed to be working on their own 3D chat thing? I heard this artist that used to do some contract work at IMVU was working on some project like that for Google a while back. Why don't they just buy IMVU? Wait...hmmm...if I own stock in IMVU and IMVU got sold to Google, would an IMVU share be worth as much as a Goog share? Wooooo....I just did a little calculation and...I'd be rolling in dough! No, I don't think it works that way, they probably decide based on the price the company is sold for somehow divided by the total number of shares??? Still...Google, be nice and buy IMVU. Please????