Wednesday, October 1, 2008

31 day Yoga challenge!

I can't wait for my bf and I to try this pose!
I'm always saying I'm going to try/practice yoga. I say it over and over again. I have a yoga mat, a body pillow, those brick kind of things you use to modify poses, a strap, and a bunch of yoga dvds.

I've also gotten my bf to agree to do yoga with me, so I brought a couple mats to his place and then bought a pattern and some fabric to make our own personalized yoga bags (which I never finished.) Some of his family members even saw the yoga mats at his place and were like "we want to do yoga with you!"

Also, my gym, which is a ten minute walk from my apartment, offers yoga.

Despite all this, I never actually do any yoga.

But no more! I have decided I'm going to do yoga every day for the next 31 days (basically the entire month of October). Why not? It's just 31 days! I'm going to DO IT and I'm going to POST ABOUT IT here every day. I just need to make room to actually do it and then probably vacuum (goodbye dust, my old friend...)

Or maybe this one! 

Below I've listed a crapload of reasons to do Yoga...maybe after reading them you'd like to join me for 31 days?

Lowers blood pressure

Slows your pulse rate

Improves circulation

Lowers your respiratory rate

Increases cardiovascular endurance

Massages your organs (I'm pretty sure there's a joke in there somewhere)

Improves gastrointestinal functions

Strengthens your immune system

Increases pain tolerance

Balances metabolism

Delays aging

Improves posture

Improves strength

Provides more energy

Keeps weight in check and can lessen the buildup of cellulite

Improves quality of sleep & helps induce sleep

Improves balance

Makes you more graceful and more in control of your body

Gives you more body awareness

Helps with core strength (just like pilates)

Improves your sexuality (more control, more relaxation and more self confidence)

Improves your mood and over all sense of well being

Reduces stress

Reduces anxiety

Reduces depression

Increases self-acceptance

Teaches self-control

Increases awareness of the mind-body connection

Gives you a more positive outlook on life

Reduces hostility

Improves concentration

Improves memory

Improves attention span and focus (okay okay so that's kind of like concentration)

Improves social skills (not sure that's true if you're doing it at home alone...)

Increases feelings of calmness

Lowers cholesterol

Boosts immunity (by increasing flow of your lymphatic system)

Lowers blood glucose levels

Reduces sodium levels in your body

Helps regulate endocrine functions

Helps lower triglycerides

Increases red blood cell count

Increases the amount of vitamin c in your body

Lowers your risk of injuries (compared to other forms of exercise)

Stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system

Improves muscle tone

Reduces oxygen consumption

Improves breathing

Provides a balanced workout of opposing muscle groups

Is non-competitive and therefore stress-free (especially if you do it at home!)

Increases range of motion in the joints

Increases hand-eye coordination.

Increases dexterity

Improves reaction times (woohoo...get better at video game by doing Yoga!)

Improves endurance

Leads to increased depth perception

Lowers your risk of heart disease

Lowers your risk of Osteoporosis

Lowers your risk of Alzheimers

Helps prevent type II diabetes

Relieves carpal tunnel syndrome

Reduces symptoms of asthma

Relieves arthritis symptoms

Helps manage multiple sclerosis

Improves sense of well-being in cancer patients and reduces nausea during chemotherapy

Helps return some physical functioning to those with muscular distrophy

Reduces number of migraines and their severity

Helps straighten your spine (has even cured scoliosis)

Can prevent epileptic seizures

Can alleviate pain from sciatica

Reduces the symptoms of OCD

Helps relieve constipation and improve elimination

Can reduce or eliminate allergy symptoms and clear sinuses

Helps with side effects of menopause

Can reduce spinal compression and back pain.


MsDarkstar said...

Ok, yeah... I need to start doing the yoga again... I actually have time (no job) and space (free of onlookers... unless you count curious felines) but I don't have mats and bricks and stuff... I'll have to see what I can do! said...

The dvd I did today didn't use any straps or bricks or anything. have Netflix right? You can both check out yoga dvds there and probably find some you can watch right online with them as well. can go to the library with your practically virgin library card and look for yoga dvds there...and yoga books, too, because while I love dvds, I think a book can be good because it allows you to explore each pose without some instructor telling you to git along and do the next thing....