Thursday, October 16, 2008

Snips and snails and puppydog panting

You know, it's actually hard...probably not worth the effort, even, to try and drink a glass of wine and do ANY kind of yoga at the same time. I guess it's partly because breathing is a big part of yoga...even if you're not doing something like Breath of fire...

(wow, I love the rugs they're sitting on here, and also wow being told by a woman in a turban to pant like a dog is a bit weird)

And I've never seen any instructor/guru/yogini/swami person instruct you to breath in to your belly, pull that breath up through your lungs, hold it for a few seconds as you reach for your wine glass and take a sip, then exhale and push the wine chi down into your abdomen. I think it would get you all messed up. There is no room in conscious breathing for quaffing of anything.

Or imagine trying to take a sip during Snail Pose, which I totally kind of suck at and can't stay in...

Actually, that could work out really well for me...if we're holding the pose for five minutes and yet *I* can't stay in the pose for that long, while I'm watching other people hold it for five minutes I could totally drink some wine, chill out, maybe have some cheese and crackers. Oops, wait...I don't eat cheese any more...

I've been doing yoga every day despite its interfering with drinking wine other activities I might enjoy. Last night I did yoga at 3am. It reminds me of this guy I used to know, he was a doctor and so you can imagine him with some rather stereotypical doctor personality traits like being very disciplined and doing the things he set out to do (that may just be the trait of anyone who has gotten a phd within any reasonable amount of time) and he would work out all the time lifting weights although every day he was crazy busy...but he'd never let being busy keep him from his workouts. Soooo...he'd end up working out at 3am many times.

I thought that was kind of crazy at the time, but now here I am doing yoga at 3am. The difference, though, is that he would still get up at some ungodly hour like maybe 7am or something, and there's no way in heck I'm getting up at 7am if I've been up that late no matter what I was doing.

Today I went to do yoga and SOMEBODY had thrown up on my yoga mat, AGAIN. If the catfood is still in somewhat firm form, it's relatively easy to clean the yoga mat and feel only slightly queasy at the idea that you are pressing your face down right where here used to be cat puke...
But if the puke is a bit mushier, it really gets down into the texture of the mat and it's hard to feel any confidence that you really got it clean unless, perhaps, you have access to a powerful garden hose and a special yoga-mat-scrubby-cleaning-thingy (if such a thing exists) but I don't so today's puke had me a bit grossed out. It's my own fault, really, for leaving the mat down any time I'm not using it. I've told myself not to do that (and there it sits on the floor EVEN AS I WRITE THIS). This time I cleaned it as best I could and then flipped the mat over for today's yoga. But first, I went to and ordered a new mat.
Note to self: for goodness sake, if you couldn't put the old mat away (and others you have owned in the past) please, please, please put this new one away! 


MsDarkstar said...

If all else fails, perhaps you could try at least covering up the new mat with the old mat when you're finished so when the kitties decide they must puke on a yoga mat, it's not the one you actually do yoga on!