Tuesday, September 18, 2007

A Glut of ThereBucks: Where is WikkeDiva?

I was looking at the books that ended up in the pic in my last post and I thought I would give you a closeup just because I think it's amusing that there is only ONE computer book in the whole pic, "Real World Scanning and Halftones".

You'd think I'd have a lot of computer books, and I DO, they are mostly in a big metal cabinet on the other side of the room and scattered in piles here and there waiting for me to buy another bookcase. Instead we end up with "A Passion for Potatoes", "The Complete Idiots Guide to Improving Your IQ", "Car Smarts" (I don't even own a car) and a book that looks like it says "Intercourse" but it really says "Intercourses" (see, it's actually a play on words) and is a cookbook with a bunch of recipes that contain ingredients said to have aphrodisiac properties. Personally I think the Passion for Potatoes book is enough for me...I effing love potatoes, but Intercourses does have a killer chocolate bundt cake recipe. I love to cook.

ANYWAY, that has nothing to do with a glut of ThereBucks, other than maybe the fact that I'm hungry and even though my ThereBucks sales are MOSTLY automated (that's why they're so fast unless there is a problem, which is why you should email me at jinx.tv@gmail.com if you don't recieve your ThereBucks in 30 minutes) I sometimes (like now) need to stick around to make sure sales are going okay so I can't go grocery shopping.

What is going on? I've had more people than normal selling ThereBucks to me lately. Is it because WikkeDiva closed her tbxbank.com? And why is that anyway? And if that means her sellers are seeking other places to sell ThereBucks, shouldn't her buyers be looking elsewhere as well so it would all even out? Where did WikkeDiva go? Is she coming back?

I love/hate a mystery.

It's great to have so many sellers selling to me, the only thing is it would have been great to have a little advance notice, ya know? It's like I've put all my discretionary income into purchasing them and I would have liked to be more prepared. I guess that's just life.

Please buy my ThereBucks! :) Oh yeah, and if anyone knows what happened to tbxbank.com, please, please, please won't you tell me?