Monday, September 10, 2007

I am not like my mother!

Next month my bf and I are taking a ten day trip. We haven't quite finalized plans for it, but the most important part logistically is that my semi-retired mother is coming out here to cat-sit for me while we are gone.

So, last night I was talking to my bf about buying my mom her ticket. I can't her a ticket, because it has to be on the right airline so she can get her frequent flier miles and I have to buy it during the right time period so she can get double ff miles, or so she has informed me, and she wants to make sure that the miles will get credited to HER and not, say, to ME.

I jokingly sent my mom an email asking if she'd like me to have her routed through Memphis so she can get even MORE miles, and she emailed me back quite seriously that yes, that would be good if the times were convenient. So, I was laughing about it to my bf. Like, imagine if I'd been planning to buy her ticket using FF miles? She probably wouldn't come catsit, because then she wouldn't get any miles. Like, maybe she's coming out here for ten days just for her Northwest Worldperks. Heck, if it were me, *I* would pay MORE money to get a more convenient nonstop flight and screw the miles.

So then, since I like to rant about things, I start ranting about AT&T (you're suddenly quite jealous of my bf being stuck in the car with me for several hours, aren't you?) and about how people on the west coast get kind of screwed with free "evening" minutes because they don't start until 9pm, but you can't call anyone on the east coast using your free minutes because for them it's midnight. Meanwhile, people on the east coast can call people on the west coast at 9pm and people on the west coast are getting that call at 6pm, and it's like, soooo unfair. Then, after ranting for a while about how much AT&T sucks and how unfair it all is, I suggest that maybe HE should get AT&T, because then he'd be "in my network" and all our calls to each other would be free.

I realize this is a somewhat ridiculous suggestion, since he makes phonecalls all day long and probably 95% (or more) of his calls are to people on some other network or maybe on a landline phone or someone in another country, and all I ever have to say about AT&T is that they suck, but phone always makes a point of telling me exactly how much time/money I used up and have left at the end of each call and it drives me crazy and never is ANYONE I EVER talk to in the same network I am.

It was about this time he went from just sort of smirking to OPENLY LAUGHING AT ME. "Yeah, your mom and her frequent flier miles", he says, "at least I know where you get it from."

What???? I am NOT like my mother! Argh.

p.s. to my mom: Sorry Mom, I don't know how to get the owl hoot ringtone on your phone. No idea.


Unknown said...

Well, I've had the pleasure of meeting your Mom and I think she's a very nice and intelligent person; yup, you definitely are a lot like her...